Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ok, so last Friday we had a lesson on the differences between:
1. Bias
2. Stereotyping
3. Prejudice
4. Discrimination

From the Cambridge dictionary, it often supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way by allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment.


From the Cambridge dictionary, it means to have a fixed idea about what a particular type of person is like, especially an idea that is wrong.


From the Cambridge dictionary, it means an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge.


From the Cambridge dictionary, it means treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, religion, sex, etc.

Basically, what Mrs Anu explain is that these are the different stages leading up to discrimination which is the " worse of the worse", starting with bias, stereotyping, prejudice and lastly discrimination.
Bias is being influenced by friend, parents, etc, to the extend that you have this fixed opinion of this person which makes you support or disapprove of this person. Can be both in good and bad ways.
Stereotyping is having a fixed idea of someone without evidence to support view of that person, oftenly has to do with the mind, not spoken or addressed openly. Most of the time, in a bad way.
Prejudice is to have a unfair accusation or statement about someone or something which has no proof or has not been clearly anaylsed and proven. Oftenly in a bad way.
Discrimination is the treating of different people based on different reason such as, ancestry, disability, education, etc. Discrimination can come in different forms, which leads to our next activity: Types of discrimination. ALL the time in a bad way.

These are a few of the type of discrimination, followed by an example (not intended to offend anyone):
1. Based on ancestry -- Main land Chinese are not allowed to work in high-classed English hotels.
2. Based on race -- Malays are Karang Gunis.
3. Based on gender -- Males are generally better in everyway compared to females.
4. Based on education -- Students from Hwa Chong are better than students from other schools.
5. Based on sex -- Your boss seems to be sexual attracted to another female worker which has the same experience and work time as you but you find out that she is paid more than you.
6. Reverse discrimination -- When you don't get a job that you are highly qualified for because the company has to fill in their quota of a certain race. The person may be less qualified.
7. Based on disability -- People who are handicapped are generally considered useless.
8. Based on sexual orientation -- Another employee of the same experience and work time is paid more than you because she dressed sexily and is "close" to the boss.
9. Based on employment -- Denying employment opportunities to a person because of marriage to, or association with, an individual of a particular race, religion, national origin, or an individual with a disability.
10. Based on age -- Children under 15 are not mature yet.
11. Based on appearance -- People who dress sloppy and dirty are seen as a poor, poor educated person.
12. Based on intelligence -- People who are stupider require more time to do a certain task compared to a "normal person".
13. Based on perception -- People who think that homework is stupid are stupid, compared to people who thinks homework is good.
14. Based on medical problems -- People with AIDS cannot work in a massage parlour.
15. Based on nationality -- Chinese are considered as people with small, slim eyes.
16. Based on marital status -- People who are divorced cannot be a matchmaker.
17. Based on background -- People who live in HDBs are poor.
18. Based on economic -- People who are rich are snobby.
19. Based on genes -- Men who are born as though they look like girls are homosexuals.
20. Based on political affiliation -- Relative who are in the same department in the parliament will definetely help each other.
21. Based on brand -- People who use Nike products are not cool compared to people who use Adidas.

Continuing, we will group the different types of discrimination into 3 main groups, 1. Gender
2. Background
3. Appearance

Based on genes
Based on marital status
Based on perception
Based on intelligence
Based on appearance
Based on age
Based on employment
Based on sexual orientation
Reverse discrimination
Based on sex
Based on gender

Based on brand
Based on political affiliation
Based on genes
Based on economic
Based on marital status
Based on nationality
Based on medical problems
Based on employment
Based on appearance
Based on ancestry
Based on background


Based on brand
Based on genes
Based on economic
Based on medical problems
Based on perception
Based on intelligence
Based on appearance
Based on employment
Based on sexual orientation
Based on disability
Based on race

Thats the end of the blog post. Hope all of the readers will benefit from discrimination from my POV.

Wei Jin

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